DWI SINERGI.PT is a company engaged in the field of Automation, Electrical and Electrical Education. established in 2009. We supplies and Create Control Panels for Industry in accordance with customer demand and provide the best engineering solutions.

DWI SINERGI.PT also has a Special Training Sub-Division, namely ATC (Automation Training Centre), this Division is engaged in Education, which serves the demand programming trainings PLC & SCADA for Industry Employees to student / student school.
More In detail in ATC Menu

We serve a lot of Engineering Services:
1. Electrical & Control Design
2. Servo, PLC & SCADA Programming
3. System Analysis & Trouble shooting
4. Electrical equipment supply
5. Demo Units for Lab.School PLC

Electrical system we are used to support are:
1. Automation Machinery / Industrial
2. Boiler system
3. Engine gas refueling system
5. Reverse Osmosis
6. AMF (Automatic Main Failure)

              PT.DWI SINERGI adalah sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Automation, Electrical serta Electrical Education. yang berdiri tahun 2009. Kami Mensuplai dan Membuat Panel-panel Kontrol untuk Industri sesuai dengan permintaan customer serta memberikan solusi Engineering yang terbaik.

PT.Dwi Sinergi Juga memiliki Sub Divisi Khusus Training, yaitu ATC ( Automation Training Centre ), Divisi ini bergerak di bidang Edukasi yang mana melayani permintaan Pelatihan-pelatihan Pemrogramman PLC & SCADA untuk Karyawan Industri hingga Mahasiswa / siswa sekolah.
Lebih Lengkapnya di Menu ATC

Kami banyak melayani Pelayanan Jasa Engineering berupa:
1. Electrical & Control Design
2. SERVO, PLC & SCADA Programming
3. System Analysis & Trouble shooting
4. Electrical equipment supply
5. PLC Demo Unit for Lab.School

Electrical system yang biasa kami support adalah :
1. Otomasi Mesin pabrik/Industri
2. Boiler system
3. Gas Engine Refueling system
5. Reverse Osmosis
6. AMF ( Automatic Main Failure )

Project Review

Electrical Engineering Solutions


Jasa website